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The online alternative to marriage counseling
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The online alternative to marriage counseling
The gay community has fought for years for equal rights. The recent victory for gay marriage in NY is bringing celebrations across the country. Many loving couples are excitedly planning weddings. But what next? What happens after the wedding…?
Most couples, same-sex and heterosexual, underestimate what it takes to have a healthy marriage. A healthy marriage is based on respect, love, intimacy, and commitment. But more than that, it’s a partnership: two people blending their lives together while still remaining individuals. A lifelong partnership requires couples to make big decisions together, deal with differences, and smooth over a few bumps along the way. Luckily, Power of Two can teach you how to communicate with your spouse and other powerful skills that will help your marriage reach its greatest potential.
See how your relationship measures up and find out what areas could be improved!
Begin the Relationship QuizMarriage is a commitment to building a stable, devoted relationship. Now that you have won the right to make that vow, Power of Two can teach you the skills to make it last!
Funding for this project was provided by the United States Department of Health Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant 90-FE-0123.Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of Health and Human Servies, Administration for Children and Families.